April started with me getting sick and all of us thinking it was just a bug and would take a few to get rid of. Instead I ended up at an appointment (at the end of April) and they admitted me to the hospital immediately . My scans were showing fluid all around my heart. They also showed a new spot in my lung. I had been on a trial study which seemed to be going good but with the new spot I will no longer be able to take the trial medicine. I was immediately put in the cardiac lab to drain the fluid in my heart. They drained 9 fl0z almost 1 liter from just my heart. I felt much better right after but I had to stay a couple of days to be watched. Instead I started filling up again and couldn't breath. They took me back in and drained 750 fl oz and then the nurses returned and removed 250 fl oz more that evening. They decided surgery needed to happen ASAP which was scheduled for Saturday which is very abnormal but they wanted it done. That was on Thursday and on Friday my stomach blew up because my kidney and liver weren't working I put on an extreme amount of weight. The kids were asking why I was SO FAT! They took me down and drained my stomach and removed almost five lbs of fluid. Then Saturday morning I was in surgery. They ended up doing a new procedure by putting a drain in my sack around my heart to try and keep it drained. The tube comes out of my stomach and we are supposed to keep it empty. So far the pump seems to be doing its job and if it continues to go good they will pull out the tube. I got home from the hospital and started chemo right up. I was extremely loopy and sick for the first round.
I was sick through Easter but made the most of it. The kids loved coloring Easter eggs and had three egg hunts this year. They got more then enough candy.
I made it through Mother's Day weekend which was an answer to my prayers. (I was really sick and in a lot of pain.) We were able to attend Race for a Cure for the fourth year. Every year more of my family has joined us in the race.
This year Leah, Candace, Mike, and their kids joined us along with Denise and Nicole. It was hard on me not being able to walk this year. I hate having to be in a wheelchair but I made it. Thank you to all of my family for coming out and supporting me. We had a great walk and then went to Jim's Family Restaurant for breakfast. During my break from chemo I still struggled with side affects.
Brynn finished preschool and can't wait for kindergarten. Harmony finished the first grade and is excited to move on but will miss her teacher so much. She has had a wonderful positive year. On the last day of school the neighborhood had a big party at the park with food and water fun.
The kids loved it! They are loving being outside nonstop. Always wanting to ride their bikes or be in the sprinklers. Steven is still watching his Red Sox play every chance he gets. I am still just hanging in there. I have just started my second round of this chemo and so far so good. Hopefully it will stay this way. My hair is gone AGAIN! Steven and the kids shaved it. When Boston was taking his turn he got a big smile on his face and said, "mom a boy" and then just started giggling. After I was done Boston cut his hair. If you ask him who he cut his hair like he will quickly tell you "my mom".
This has been an extremely long blog but for all of you complaining I haven't updated hopefully this helps. Have a great day!
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